Zeitwerk Piece of Cologne, made in Germany, Nettetal
ZEITWERK „Piece of Cologne“ includes nine of the most recognized and popular Colognian landmarks and originals. It is an exciting journey through the history of this unique city by the river Rhine:
– COLOGNE CATHEDRAL, foundation of the Southern tower
– KONRAD ADENAUER, wallpaper from his private mansion
– ROMAN ERA, antique coin from the area of Cologne
– LUKAS PODOLSKI, jersey from the semi-final of the World Cup 2014
– COLOGNE CABLE CAR, steel rope
– BLÄCK FÖÖSS, show pants of Erry Stoklosa
– COLOGNE BEER TRADITION, stucco ceiling from the brewhouse
– KÖLNER HAIE, hockey stick from the title-winning season 1994/95
– WILLY MILLOWITSCH, seat from the theatre